Roughly seven-and-a-half hours after leaving my house in Lawrence, I arrived at my parents' place in Plano at 2:15 p.m. Didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night, but I'm operating on pure adrenaline at the moment.
This was waiting for me as I arrived home. Thanks, mom.
I haven't made the Lawrence-to-Plano drive in years, probably my college days. Straight shot down I-35. As simple as one can imagine. I probably won't be complaining too much in the near future about paying tolls in Kansas. The highways in Kansas versus Oklahoma are night and day. The Kansas portion of I-35 was smooth and nicely-paved. Oklahoma, not so much.
I only made one stop, at Subway just outside of Oklahoma City. Really powered through the drive, thanks to a few phone conversations and switching up the CD's.
Should be meeting up with people for Game 6 tomorrow. It should be a heck of a time.
About to head out to Eddy V's downtown with mom and dad for a seafood dinner. I'm already glad I made the trip. Be back on later for game-specific thoughts.
Go Mavs.
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